
Shalom Choir Releases Video Song Captured in Kigali Convention Center

Author: Rutayisire Patience
On:13/08/2019 13:33
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Shalom choir released a fresh video of their song dubbed'' Abami n'Abategetsi, which literally means ‘’kings and rulers.’’

The video was filmed in Kigali convention center building. Shalom choir is part of ADEPER Nyarugenge church, and is popular for their songs such as Nyabihanga, Nzirata Umusaraba among others. It has unveiled the video of their new song they entitled {kings and rulers}, featuring Kigali convention center building location. 

Press here to Watch ''Abami n' Abategetsi''

Shalom is popular in Rwanda and has made an historical concert in Kigali convention center on 12th august 2019, which helped them profit every single moment to take pictures and videos of the most beautiful building in Rwanda.

A piece of news INYARWANDA has been told, says Rday Entertainment studio produced the video song. 

Sam Nzeyimana, a director of songs in Shalom choir, went on to tell INYARWANDA that the choir expects to unleash all video songs which had footage taken in convention center building in the near future. He added that it is preparing other music projects for their fans.   



Rutayisire Patience


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