
Miss Elsa participated in her swimming competition

Author: Joselyne kabageni
On:29/07/2019 11:17
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Miss Rwanda 2017 Iradukunda Elsa has once again organized a swimming competition and the main idea was to get children involved and also advocate against drug abuse. This competition took place at Hotel La Palisse Nyandungu swimming pool.

This event took place on Sunday July 28th from 9:00 AM in Kigali at La Palisse Nyandungu. This competition brought together participants from all over the country aged between 8 years and 18 years. These children were grouped in different groups according to their age, the first one was from 8 – 10 years, second from 11 – 13 years, 14 – 15 years and the last one was from 16 – 18 years

Miss Elsa in an interview with INYARWANDA, mentioned that one of the reasons she prepared this competition was to involve children in sports. "The purpose is to persuade children to love simming as a sports game, which is important for health, though some don’t take it serious" she says.

‘Mark Shark’ was the best group which was awarded the trophy as the first among other groups   

Miss Iradukunda Elsa with the head of Olympic committee 

 Miss Rwanda 2018 and Miss Rwanda 2019 were also there to support their fellow Miss Rwanda 2017


Miss Iradukunda Elsa also participated

