
Kinshasa: Koffi Olomide released from Jail

Author: Tony Karera
On:29/07/2016 14:28
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We've been following up what's coming out Kinshasa, on the case of Congolese music maestro Koffi Olomide since last Friday, when he was facing the backlash following an assault on his female dancer in Kenya.

So, the musician is now a free man. Koffi was discreetly released from prison at about 10 am this morning as SDE learned through the sources in DRC.

Sources in DRC have confirmed that the controversial musician who was arrested on Tuesday morning at his palatial home due to allegedly assaulting his dancer in Kenya has been released.

His Kenyan promoter Jules Nsana also confirmed the same to the SDE's Caroline Nyanga.

“All I can say is that I am happy for him. Now he can go on with his work as usual even taking into consideration the losses I made owing to his unruly behavior in Kenya.  But at the end of it all we are all prone to making mistakes- and Koffi is no exception,” he said.


Koffi's arrest in Kinshasa on Tuesday

Koffi’s sudden arrest in Kinshasa elicited mixed reactions from a large section of Congolese people who felt that he should have been given a second chance owing to the fact that prior to his arrest he publicly apologized to the world, its leaders, women and girls on one of the Congolese televisions.

“It appears they just wanted to harass him besides proving that he is not above the law. And besides there was no strong evidence against him hence the reason for his release,” said the source.

Upon his release the musician called on his Kenyan promoter to inform him of the same besides asking him to once again apologize to Kenyans on his behalf.


Tony Karera


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  • 8 years ago
    so sorry