
Kevin Kade Teams Up with Marioo and The Ben for Hit Collaborations

Author: Brenda MIZERO
On:26/06/2024 12:57
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Rising Rwandan artist Kevin Kade, known for his hit "Jugumila," is making significant strides in his music career. He is currently working on a new track with Tanzanian heavyweight Marioo and popular Rwandan artist The Ben. This collaboration marks an important milestone for Kevin, as he joins forces with renowned names in the music industry.

On Wednesday, July 26, 2024, Marioo (Omary Ally Mwanga) shared photos on his Instagram account, which has over 5 million followers, showing him in the studio with The Ben and producer Element. These images indicate a strong collaboration between Marioo and The Ben on a new project, although specific details were not revealed.

Kevin Kade recently told InyaRwanda that he traveled to Tanzania to work on a song with Marioo, which is expected to be released soon. He also went to film a music video for his collaboration with The Ben. Both tracks were produced by Element from 1:55 Am, who was also in Tanzania to oversee the recording process.

Looking at Kevin Kade's discography, it's clear that The Ben and Marioo are among the most prominent artists he has worked with. Marioo, known for hits like "Raha," "Inatosha," and "Mama Amina," will be the second international artist Kevin has collaborated with. 

Meanwhile, The Ben will be the sixth Rwandan artist he has worked with, following collaborations with Uncle Austin, Yvan Buravan, Kivumbi King, DJ Phil Peter and Chriss Eazy.

Producer Element joins Marioo and The Ben on new project

The Ben reveals ongoing collaboration with Tanzanian star Marioo

Kevin Kade completed collaborations with Marioo and The Ben
