
Alyn sano enlisted her first album songs

Author: Umutoni Aline
On:16/06/2023 18:39
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Alyn sano have enlisted thirteen album songs on her first album called “Rumuri” with the collaboration with a rapper kivumbi the 1st and abasamyi ba nkombo.

The 28 years old female singer alyn sano have listed out her songs that will belong to her first music album. the album she is about to launch will be containing thirteen songs on this first album, of hers which she has named “Rumuri”.

The boo and bae singer have enlisted out the songs that will be on her first album which are :inshuti, lioness, mama, positive, mwiza , mariya umwihariko ,sakwe sakwe , kuki, why, rumuri, warakoze and bohoka. All those songs have been produced by different producers like bob-po, yeahman, santanasauce and the others.

Alyn sano will collaborate with kivumbi the 1st and abasamyi ba nkombo in this first album of hers which will be out this month on 23rd.
