
Voting for Video Vixen Awards 2023: 'Cadette' is on the rise and still underway

Author: Niyigena Antoine
On:5/06/2023 12:55
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Voting for Video Vixen Awards 2023 is on the rise and it is still underway as many top models in Rwanda and region like Clemence Umukundwa votes are increasing incessantly

Umukundwa Clemence also known as Cadette are among top models in Rwanda and region, be it organizing modeling events or performing modeling

She also involves in liquors related investments. 

Her career success in modeling started to excel a few years ago especially when she competed for Miss Rwanda 2019 and ranked among top 15 mistresses, from whom top Miss Rwanda 2019 was selected.

After Miss Rwanda 2019, she become one among top models in Rwanda and the region, in the industry of entertainment, especially being featured in various video clips and songs that many artists like embedding in their videos.

For this current Video Vixen Awards 2023, Clemence votes have been increasing and voting is still underway.

She was classified for Best Video Vixen, Best Inspirational Video Vixen, and Best Photogenic Video Vixen.

Clemence Umukundwa was featured in several songs, including “Agafoto” of Jules Sentore, “Jojo,” of Platini P, “Njonogo,” of KB Kavuyo, “Mali and Jowasa,” by Confy.

Voting is still underway on https://noneho.com and votes for her by choosing Video Vixen Awards 2023 or by checking bio of @videovixenawards. You can vote for her from there.

Clemence Umukundwa for Video Vixen Awards 2023

Clemence Umukundwa is very popular for modeling industry in Rwanda and region, and featured in several great songs like, "Agafoto," by Jules Sentore. 

Clemence Umukundwa is well known in video clips featuring
