
Joe Biden wins the Presidency as many expected

Author: Marie Clemence Cyiza Uwimanimpaye
On:8/11/2020 13:27
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Joe Biden becomes the 46th President-elect of the United States. He has now around 290 Electoral College votes, taking him past 270 needed to win while Donald Trump still has 214.

What are people saying?

Many were expecting Joe Biden “to fix America” and now they are celebrating while around 5 millions who voted Trump are grieving and went on twitter to express their joy.


Some, like Dr Jill Biden, Joe Biden’s wife’s expressed their hope for him to win. She said on her twitter handle,  “Keep faith”.

“Tony”, responded, “Black not voting is a shame, but they can’t expect whites to fix their problems.” He twitted this three days ago.

Brindas-Daughter responded to Tony, “Black ARE voting! Not sure where you’re getting your information. “Whites” have never saved any race of people. That’s why many red states are turning BLUE!”


People are expecting Joe Biden to "fix America"

Another twitter handle “Female Voice of Reason” said, “It might be too late as America is already lost”. “Trying but its so hard…America is lost.” She twitted three days ago.


Josi S said, “we will. I am hoping and praying that tomorrow when I wake up there will be good news. We need Joe Biden as President”.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

What media is saying?


Kaitlan Collins, the CNN White House Correspondent did not hide his joy.


Via twitter, Kaitlan said, “Washington is celebrating Biden’s projected win, all is quiet at the White House while President Trump is in Virginia at the club”.


Isango Star, a Rwandan media agency, posted via twitter, “Joe Biden was already in good relations with Rwanda” and they post a picture of the Director of RBC together with Biden on the same picture.


CGTN America posted, “While the US media reported Joe Biden the projected winner of US Presidential Elections, President Donald Trump received the news of his defeat at his golf course in Virginia.”


The Obama’s family is thrilled


Michelle Obama twitted about her endless joy saying, “I’m beyond thrilled that my friend Joe Biden and our first Black and Indian-American woman Vice President, Kamala Harris, are headed to restore some dignity, competence, and heart at the White House. Our country sorely needs it.”


Barack Obama, on his behalf, made a statement congratulating Joe Biden.


Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. becomes the 46 US President after winning Donald Trump who has had one term as US President since 2016.


Donald Trump insists elections were rigged but with no evidence and this became a little funny, as many made funny of the election by making different memes about him.

Michelle Obama is beyond thrilled

Trump continued tweeting that there has been somehow “a crooked business deal” around Joe winning. Till now, everyone is wondering if he is accepting defeat or if he will run out to court.


It was a very long procedure where everyone around the world was wondering when this election would end and then let people know the elected President.


It took almost a week to count votes since 4 November, as everyone was very curious about who is going to rule the US this time. It was unusual in American history that so much numbers vote. Trump had around 5 million votes while Joe Biden has around 7 millions.


People are still wondering what would happen next as Donald Trump lately said he won’t quit the White House.


Strikes are anticipated to happen like those that happened few months before when Minnesota White Police murdered a black African-American George Floyd.


Accordingly, Serval   reports say, Trump lost due to increased murders and incapability to tackle covid-19.


