
Apôtre Gitwaza Says He is Broke and Possesses No House

Author: Rutayisire Patience
On:8/08/2019 15:37
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Gitwaza denies possessing his own house and that he lives in a rented annex. In interview with him, you will be surprised with how he said that his bank balance is almost empty.

Many people believe that church leaders like Gitwaza possess countless belongings and funds, but the head shepherd of Zion Temple Church on the globe utterly claimed that he is economically unstable.

Speaking in an interview with Gerad Mbabazi-working for Rwanda Broadcasting Agency, in Zoom In Program in the last week, Dr. Paul Gitwaza, who also chairs Authentic world Ministries International, announced that he does not own any house. 

He continued to say that his sister’s children, who live with him in the two roomed house, sleep in a dining room since his rented annex is too small.     

‘’ If you live in an annexed house with two rooms, how much can you have on your bank account? Even my sister’s children sleep in my dining room,’’ he said and laughed, adding that he sleeps in one room and the children pile up in another room during the night.

He said that he faltered to build his own house because he cannot afford it without money. ‘’ I don’t own any house in Rwanda, I never built any house, no storey, not any. I live in annexed house but i have a plot of land in which I was unable to build my own house, because I scarcely have money,’’ he said with laughter.  

He denied claims that church leaders possess hidden treasure and belongings thanks to believers’ offerings.

‘’ People claim it because they have hunger, they truly lack God in their lives’’ he said. He reminisced that he abandoned plane pilot career in order to serve God and that he cannot betray his pact with God. 

He also believes if he wants money and houses he can easily get them because of his good deeds, citing that dozens of people he rescued from wounds and scars of genocide can never let him down.  

To him, houses and money are useless but he prefers cows better as gift.

‘’ If you can look at my bank balance, I never exceed Frw200 thousand, sometimes you can find Frw50 or 100,’’ he said.

He complemented that his outlook can tell if he is a person who owns a good car or a house.  However, this man, few days ago, announced that his children are studying in United states of America. 


Rutayisire Patience


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