Bad Rama, founder of The Mane, a music label known for supporting artists, has announced his entry into the boxing world. Already holding a black belt in Karate, Bad Rama is now stepping into the ring and has challenged Shakib Lutaaya, the husband of model Zari, to a boxing match in 2025.
Shakib Lutaaya has been
training in boxing and recently invited artist Harmonize for a bout, though it
fell through at the last minute. Shakib is currently preparing for an upcoming
fight on October 12, 2024, against JK Kazoora. Using his Instagram account,
Shakib shared his readiness to sweat and bleed for victory, emphasizing his
dedication to the sport.
Despite gaining public
attention through his relationship with Zari, Shakib has long been committed to
boxing, showing a willingness to face any opponent who claims to be a worthy challenger.
Bad Rama, on his Instagram account, expressed his eagerness to face Shakib in
December 2025, stating that he will take the time to prepare thoroughly for the
Boxing is still emerging
in Rwanda, but with venues like Kigali Universe hosting international boxing
events, the sport is gaining traction. As the local scene grows, Bad Rama and
Shakib Lutaaya’s upcoming match could bring further excitement and recognition
to Rwandan boxing.
Bad Rama invites Shakib
to Kigali boxing match, promises to find a new opponent if he declines