The Gen-Z Comedy Show, held on the night of August 22, 2024, at Camp Kigali, was a huge success, captivating attendees with a blend of comedy and traditional drumming. The audience was treated to hilarious jokes about celebrities like The Ben, Aisha Inkindi, Rusine Patrick, and Zaba Missedcall, making the night unforgettable.
The show kicked off at 7
PM with a lineup of talented comedians, including Dudu, Muhinde, Pilate,
Clement, Pilote, Gakuba Family, and Rumi. Their jokes focused on recent events
involving The Ben and Emelyne Kwizera, who had been spotted together in controversial
videos, creating much laughter among the crowd.
A standout moment was the
surprise appearance of the Himbaza Club, who brought the house down with their
energetic drumming and dance routines. Their performance of songs like
"Ab'iwacu muraho" and "Sinagenda ntashimye" added a unique
cultural twist to the comedy show, impressing everyone in attendance.
The evening concluded
with comedian Pilate and a group of dancers, who poked fun at various public
figures, including Aisha Inkindi, known for her outspoken comments. The night
was a delightful mix of humor, music, and traditional performances, leaving the
audience eagerly anticipating the next Gen-Z Comedy Show.
The Burundian drum
performance stole the show at Gen-Z Comedy, leaving the crowd in awe
Rusine’s wedding plans and The Ben’s ‘romantic mishap’ were the talk of the night at Gen-Z Comedy