Comedy and entertainment enthusiasts are in for a treat as the Iwacu Summer Comedy Festival is set to light up Kigali. The event, featuring renowned comedians such as Doctall Kingsley, Rusine Patrick, Joshua Comedian, and Rufendeke Fred, will take place on June 9, 2024, at the Expo Ground in Gikondo.
Doctall Kingsley, also known as Ntakirutimana, arrived in Kigali on the evening of June 6, 2024. He was warmly welcomed by a large delegation led by Seth Seka and the elegant ladies of Kigali Protocol.
In an interview with InyaRwanda, Seth Seka explained that Kingsley was invited back due to popular demand from Rwandan comedy fans and his growing popularity across Africa.
Tickets for the festival are selling fast on the official website, Entry prices vary, with VIP group packages for eight people costing 200,000 RWF, including a reserved table and a bottle of Jameson. Other ticket options include 30,000 RWF for premium seats, 20,000 RWF for standard seats, and more affordable options at 10,000 RWF and 5,000 RWF.
In addition to the stellar lineup of comedians, the event will be hosted by Anitha Pendo and MC Nario, with performances by celebrities like Riderman, Bull Dogg, and Phil Peter, among others. This festival promises to be an unforgettable experience for all attendees.
Doctall Kingsley receives warm a welcome in Kigali