
#Kwibuka30: Kitoko Calls for Global Unity and Reconciliation Amid Commemoration

Author: Brenda MIZERO
On:8/04/2024 15:53
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Renowned musician Kitoko Bibarwa, known for his captivating melodies, has declared a plea for global solidarity and unity as humanity collectively works towards building a better world, free from the scars of division.

Hailing from the United Kingdom, where he plies his musical trade, Kitoko's message resonates deeply as Rwanda and the world commemorate the 30th anniversary of the genocide against the Tutsi, a tragedy that claimed the lives of over a million people.

During the commencement of the 30th Genocide Commemoration, President Kagame reflected on the atrocities, emphasizing that in 1994, all Tutsis were targeted for extermination, highlighting the systematic nature of the violence.

He stressed, "The reason people were killed was that they were Tutsi. There was no other reason. The genocide had been planned for years before 1994. It was premeditated, and its implementation was well-organized."

Further addressing the nation, President Kagame emphasized that Rwandans must never forget the reasons behind the genocide and must continue to work towards unity and reconciliation.

In an interview with InyaRwanda, Kitoko Bibarwa echoed these sentiments, urging everyone to embrace reconciliation and unity as essential components for building a brighter future.

"I appeal to everyone on Earth to embrace unity and reconciliation so that we can build a better tomorrow, a tomorrow of peace and harmony," he stated passionately.

Kitoko, whose song "Nturi Wenyine" (You Are Not Alone) featured prominently during the commemoration, emphasized that remembrance should serve as a reminder of the collective responsibility to ensure such atrocities never occur again.

In collaboration with fellow artists such as Munyanshoza Dieudonne, Senderi, Mani Martin, and Grace, Kitoko's music underscores the importance of commemorating the past while striving for a future marked by unity and reconciliation.

As Rwanda and the world solemnly remember the victims of the genocide against the Tutsi, Kitoko Bibarwa's call for unity and reconciliation serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring commitment to building a world where peace and harmony prevail.

Kitoko affirms each Rwandan's role in commemorating the 30th anniversary of genocide against the Tutsi in April 1994

Kitoko's message in the 30th commemoration of genocide against the Tutsi


