
Get over your broken relationship using this method

Author: Niyigena Antoine
On:14/08/2023 10:23
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You used to love each other but now everyone is finding their own way. If you look closely, you will find that your love has been completely destroyed. What should you do?

When your love with your partner is in trouble, you worry, if you can't do anything about it and get to the point of breaking up, if you are the one who caused it, you will always blame yourself for not doing anything about it.

What are you supposed to do?

1. Check yourself; see if you really love your partner.

Do you really love him in this fight? Ask yourself this and answer it without lying to your heart.

Once you find that you really like him, find a way to put a stop to the differences between them. 

2. Examine the reasons for the disagreement

Rwandans say: "When a stone appears, it does not kill the person". Once you know why, you will meet your love. 

3. Remove the barriers to communication.

When love stops talking to each other, it's gone well. 

4. Pay attention to your partner's needs.

What is your boyfriend asking you for? Be who you are and love him through his mistakes. 

The Yourtango magazine, thanks to its story, says that after doing all this, you should better find happiness for both of you by doing things that make you happy.

