
USA: Man shot at ten people randomly, four died at the scene while one, eight years old child, died in near hospital

Author: Niyigena Antoine
On:1/05/2023 9:12
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Gunman killed five people including a child of 8 years old in gun violence incident while others sustained severe injuries, Texas police confirmed.

Police of Texas confirmed of shooting incident in the city in which a gunman gunned down five people including a child of eight years old while many others sustained severe injuries. The incident occurred on 28th of April, 2023 following argument with the shooter who was their friend.

A man who carried out the shooting is Francisco Operenza, who is 38 years old. Four among the dead died at the scene while another one transported to nearby hospital, but couldn’t survive.

Source says that the deceased are of Honduras origin, including the child. The shooting incident occurred San Jan Jacinto of Cleveland in Texas.

Police top leader in that region, Greg Capers, reported to KTRK women among the four who were killed were gunned down while fleeing their children from the shooter. 

That gunman used AR15 to shoot at those people who resided in the same building with the gunman. 
