
Airtel Rwanda staff offer hands-on training to RTUC students

Author: Editor
On:16/02/2015 20:32
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In line with the companys social responsibility mission of education empowerment and unlocking potential, Airtel Rwanda staff has offered a hands-on training to Business Information Technology students from Rwanda Tourism University College (RTUC) during a visit to the telecom headquarters and Network centers.

Apart from gaining practical experience out of the classroom, hands-on trainings have been seen to aid students narrow their professional focus; a step towards career shaping.

Commenting on the training, Airtel Rwanda Managing Director, Mr. Teddy Bhullar said, “Classroom education blended with hands-on training are key in producing all round graduates who will fill the future workforce of Rwanda.”

 Mr. Robert Muratirwa, Airtel Network Manager during a sesion with the RTUC students at the Airtel Operation Centre

Mr. Robert Muratirwa, Airtel Network Manager during a sesion with the RTUC students at the Airtel Operation Centre

He added, “We hope that the tour and hands-on training you have received today will widen your understanding of Information Technology. The Airtel family is also delighted to be the preferred company of choice to facilitate this training.”

Also speaking on behalf of the students, Lecturer and Webmaster, Mr. Kudan Kumar said, “It is a lot of added value to have our students receive a hands-on experience and see for them what they study in class. This will help them have a more rounded experience and elevate their understanding of the theoretical concepts.

Mr. Robert Muratirwa, Airtel Network Manager during a sesion with the RTUC students at the Airtel Operation Centre

Mr. Marcel Hicaberezi, the Transmission, Radio and Power Operations Officer expalaining to the students how radio transimissions work

This training now becomes the second after Airtel recently hosted another for students from Integrated Polytechnic Regional Center South (IPRC-South). The team focused on Networks and Information Technology.

We want to empower the young generation with skills that will help shape their career. Our primary focus is in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education,” Bhullar concluded.




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