
X Dealer Acquitted of The Ben's Theft Charges

Author: Brenda MIZERO
On:12/06/2024 15:09
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Ndagijimana Eric, known as X Dealer, who was facing a two-year prison sentence requested by the prosecution on charges filed by Mugisha Benjamin (The Ben), has been acquitted by the Nyarugenge Primary Court.

At 11:08 AM on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, the judge delivered the verdict, exonerating X Dealer of accusations related to the theft of The Ben's phone. The case, which began on October 5, 2023, concluded with X Dealer's acquittal after months of legal proceedings.

The charges stemmed from a series of concerts The Ben performed in Bujumbura at the end of 2023, during which he reported his iPhone missing. The prosecution claimed that X Dealer was responsible for the theft, a charge he consistently denied, asserting that the artist's security team was present and surveillance cameras should be reviewed for evidence.

During the trial, X Dealer argued that it was impossible for him to have committed the theft under such circumstances. He pointed out the presence of The Ben's security and his companion, Uwicyeza Pamella, suggesting that any claim should be corroborated by security footage. After thorough examination, the court found the prosecution's evidence insufficient, leading to X Dealer's acquittal. The Nyarugenge Primary Court stated that any party wishing to appeal the decision has 30 days to do so.

X Dealer cleared of stealing The Ben's phone
