
Element's New Music Video Sparks Rumors of Romance

Author: Brenda MIZERO
On:4/06/2024 13:30
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Element, the acclaimed Rwandan music producer-turned-singer, has once again captivated audiences with the release of his new love song, "Milele." Released in late May 2024, the track features Anitah Muller, a striking figure in the accompanying music video, leading many to speculate about a possible romance between the two.

Element, known for embedding personal stories into his work, often emphasizes the authenticity behind his music. His declaration of eternal love in "Milele" has fueled rumors, reminiscent of the famed union of Meddy and Mimi, whose collaboration on "Ntawamusimbura" blossomed into a lifelong partnership, complete with a beautiful daughter.

Anitah Muller has publicly expressed her admiration for Element, stating, "I am proud of him." Her visible joy in the music video adds to the speculation that their connection might extend beyond a professional relationship.

Element's journey in the music industry has been marked by several successful releases. His debut song, "Kashe," was inspired by a personal heartbreak, resonating with many fans. Following this, "Fou De Toi," initially a collaboration with Ross Kana featuring Bruce Melodie, became a hit. The song's success even caught the attention of Tanzanian artist Rayvanny, who drew inspiration for his track "Mi Amor," featuring Gerilson Insrael, further showcasing Element's influence.

With "Milele," released on the evening of June 3, 2024, Element continues his streak of heartfelt and impactful music. Fans eagerly anticipate the song's performance, expecting it to reach similar heights as his previous works.

As the buzz around Element and Anitah Muller grows, listeners and fans alike are keen to see if their story will indeed mirror the fairy-tale romance of Meddy and Mimi. For now, "Milele" stands as another testament to Element's ability to blend personal narrative with universal themes of love and connection.

Anitah Muller and Element pose together in a memorable photo, but their relationship status remains a mystery

Element, the new Meddy of the music scene, could be following in his footsteps with a lasting romance


