
The government’s commitment to equitable access to quality education

Author: Umutesiwase Raudwa
On:14/09/2022 14:14
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The government’s commitment to equitable access to quality education, the ministry of education supports public and government-subsidized schools by providing a capitation grant per child, to compliment parent’s contribution. This is based on law N0 010/2021 of 16/02/2021 that governs education in Rwanda

In order to end significant disparities in parent’s contribution across Rwandan schools, this is often obstacle for families with limited resources, the Ministry of education issues the following instructions to harmonize the contribution of parents to the education of their children in public and government-subsidized schools, pre-primary, primary, secondary schools of general and professional education; and technical schools as follows

1.       Day students

Parent’s contribution per term will be 19500 maximum and for mandatory requirements that will be provided by parents are student uniform, hygiene materials, dining utensils, bedding, mosquito net, student card, discipline card, passport photo, student mutuelles de santé

2.       Boarding students

 Parent’s contribution per term will be 85000 maximum and for mandatory requirements that will be provided by parents are student uniform, hygiene materials, dining utensils, bedding, mosquito net, student card, discipline card, passport photo, student mutuelles de santé

3.       Pre-primary and primary

There is no school fees except 975rwf for school feeding for mandatory requirements that will be paid by parents are uniform and school materials

When necessary and following the review and approval by parent’s general assembly, contribution for other school needs shall not exceed 7000rwf per term

For schools that rents mattresses to students and bedding requirements its permitted to charge only new students a contribution not exceeding 9000 which is to be paid only once in three years to enable the replacement of old mattresses

No public or government subsidized school is allowed to request students for other materials that are not in the list contained in this document

Every student must wear an authorized school uniform while at school, or when traveling from or to school. The school is responsible for determining the color, style and design for the school uniform. However the fabric of the school uniform must be a solid color. No parent is obligated to buy school uniform or other materials from their child’s school, but they can if they wish to do so

These instructions will be implemented starting with the 2022/2023 school year, with an exception of the uniform instructions to be implemented within the 2023/2024 school year. Should a school face specific challenges in implementation of these instructions, upon a request by the parent’s general assembly, these will be assessed and decided on by the Ministry of education.

If you note any bleach in implementation of these regulations, notify the Ministry of education  at info@mineduc.gov.rw or call 2028



