
Urgent Call to Action: 2.5 Million Ugandans Lost to Drowning in the Last Decade

Author: InyaRwanda
On:3/12/2024 20:35
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A shocking report reveals that 2.5 million Ugandans have drowned in the last ten years, highlighting an urgent public health crisis.

According to this alarming figure, the commissioner International and Transboundary Water Airs and Ministry of Water and Environment ‘Eng Sowed Sewagudu’ calls for immediate action to prevent further loss of life.

Drowning remains one of the leading causes of death in Uganda, particularly in rural areas. Poor water safety infrastructure, lack of awareness, and inadequate prevention programs are contributing factors.

Authorities and NGOs must collaborate to address this growing epidemic. As this devastating toll continues to rise, there is a pressing need for enhanced water safety measures, public education campaigns, and better regulation of water bodies.

According to a report by the Makerere University School of Public Health (2020), Uganda has the highest rates of drowning deaths globally with an estimated 502 drowning deaths per 100,000 people especially in lakeside shing communities.

“Uganda has recorded 2.5 million drowning deaths in the last decade making it the third leading cause of injury deaths in the world,” Dr. Oporia added.

The Drowning Prevention Project is being implemented to curb the high cases of drowning and entrench safe water practices in the lakeside communities of Rakai, Masaka and Mayuge which have the highest number of recorded drowning deaths in the country.

Src: The Independent

Writer: Solange Kubwimana
