
African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE) in partnership with universities Christian Associations to host a big Christian conference in October.

Author: Espoir Tuyisenge
On:31/07/2014 17:38
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Due to the conference that will take place in October 2014 aimed to bring more people on Jesus as their savior and their King in their lives, African Evangelistic Enterprise organized trainings for five day to prepare the October conference for university students.

African Enterprise, a Christian organization has closed a seminar for Christian students on this Saturday in Kigali preparing them for the revival conference that will be held in October this year with a theme “celebrating life campaign”.

The conference gathered over 550 students from different Christian’s denominations working in different university campuses countrywide.



Different people attended the workshop

Alice Mugeni, co-organizer of the seminar said that the focus was on students for the purpose to remind them their responsibility to transform the nation and the world as future leaders. “A transformed student can play a great role in the development of the nation and the world in general,” she stated.

She also stressed that while many abominations are familiar done in university campuses, young spiritual leaders chosen from their schools need to take action to spread the words of change.

Challenges faced by youth in campuses include adultery, abortion, and drug addiction.



Emmanuel Kwizera, African Enterprise official indicated that there is the problem of identity crisis as globalization is on spot and affecting lives of many mainly students.

If you don’t have direction, the world will create for you his own direction,” Kwizera said, adding that university students should have ability to influence positively the community and decide what new things to take as model rather than grabbing whatever dreadful influence comes.

Onesphore Dushimirimana


Espoir Tuyisenge


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