Journalist Sengabo Jean Bosco, widely known as Fatakumavuta, has embarked on a surprising journey since his detention in October 2024 on charges of incitement, defamation, and harassment using social media. Following his arrest, he was remanded to Nyarugenge Prison in Mageragere, where he has embraced an unexpected new chapter of life.
Fatakumavuta was apprehended by the Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) on October 18, 2024, accused of using inflammatory language to fuel discord in the entertainment industry.
His charges stemmed from complaints by industry figures such as
Mugisha Benjamin, Muyoboke Alex, and others. On November 6, the Kicukiro
Primary Court ordered his detention for 30 days to allow further investigation.
Since entering prison,
Fatakumavuta has maintained a positive outlook and has been actively engaging
with fellow inmates. Known for his passion for journalism, he has taken on the
role of trainer for a group of inmate journalists and even founded a football
team named "Press Football." The team has performed well, ranking
third in the prison league, with Fatakumavuta serving as both player and coach.
In addition to sports,
Fatakumavuta has embraced faith and spirituality. On December 14, 2024, he was
baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church during a ceremony held within
the prison. Visitors report that he has fully adjusted to life behind bars,
using the time to reflect and contribute positively to the prison community.
Fatakumavuta is also
working on a book titled "Ubutayu bwa Biswi," where
he plans to chronicle his experiences and the role of resilience among inmates
in Mageragere. He has described the project as a way to shed light on prison
life and inspire others through his journey.
As his trial date
approaches, Fatakumavuta remains optimistic, focusing on personal growth and
making the most of his time in detention. His transformation highlights his
ability to adapt and thrive, even in challenging circumstances.
Fatakumavuta awaits a
trial date for his case
He was arrested on October 18, 2024