
President Kagame on Youth’s Role, Election Significance and Rwanda’s Future

Author: Brenda MIZERO
On:18/06/2024 9:46
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President Paul Kagame emphasized the importance of youth involvement in nation-building during a press conference led by RMC Head and RBA Director, Barore Cléophas and Abera Martina, on June 17, 2024. He encouraged young Rwandans to think critically about their life goals and how to implement their education for personal and national benefit.

President Kagame highlighted the significance of education in empowering youth to contribute meaningfully to their communities. He stated, “As you vote for the first time, reflect on how your education can benefit your family and the nation.” He stressed that success is best achieved collectively, encouraging the youth to help others succeed as well.

Confidence, H.E Kagame noted, is crucial for the youth to realize their potential. He urged them to believe in themselves and focus on their strengths rather than comparing themselves to others. This self-assurance is vital for personal and national growth.

Reflecting on Rwanda's progress, President Kagame acknowledged the significant contributions of the youth in liberating the country and their ongoing efforts in various sectors. He advised that although achievements take time, the foundation laid today will shape the future. “The future we wish for our young people is one where they actively contribute to shaping it,” he concluded.

President Kagame urges youth to make wise choices and help others to succeed
