
Farmers Day: "Meet the Farmer, know the source"

Author: Mupende Gedeon Ndayishimiye
On:3/03/2022 16:22
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Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement (ROAM) is a National Umbrella Organization of stakeholders in the organic sector in Rwanda (Producers, farmers, processors, exporters, and importers, researchers) with a mission of developing and promoting the ecological organic agriculture (EOA) as a farming system that sustains the health of soil, ecosystems and people.

With support of the Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture in Africa (KCOA)- the Eastern Africa Organic Knowledge Hub (KHEA) project supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through GIZ and Biovision Africa Trust, Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement (ROAM) organizes a farmers Market day event entitled "Meet the Farmer, Know the Source" on the 4th March 2022 at Kimironko Market

The aim of this event is:

To raise awareness on organic agriculture and its benefits

To link the urban consumers to the source offood they consume (thefarmers)

To provide an opportunity for farmers to show case their products and interact with consumers

To create network linkages among the value chain actors in the organic sector.

In addition, a number of Rwandan celebrities such as Aline Gahongayire, Anita Pendo, Rocky Kimomo, Mani Martin and Alyn Sano will participate to this event and they will add their voice to advocate for sustainable food production and consumption systems.

"Buy from farmers, encourage them to continuously produce healthy and nutritiousfood" Said by Lise Chantal Dusabe, Chief Executive Officer Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement.

Alyn Sano will attend this event themed "Meet the farmer know the source"


Mupende Gedeon Ndayishimiye


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