
Rwanda Upgrades Land Farming Sector

Author: Rutayisire Patience
On:10/09/2020 19:32
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Now that Rwanda is situated in a favourable climatic conditions for land farming, there are tons of incentives to promote agriculture. Claire Akamanzi explained how subsistence farmers will adapt to new technology to move up harvest.

Akamanzi, a director of Rwanda development board, said that the country has adapted to science and technology in an attempt to increase growth in land farming.  

The government of Rwanda is putting extra efforts to build infrastructure that facilitates large number of people to effectively benefit from services linked to technology. 

This cause has been very successful because majority of people who are in countryside have access to public services such as security service, health service, local governance and agriculture service thanks to adventure of mobile telephone.     

‘’ If we say that Rwanda wants to be a technology and science-based country, we mean- much opportunity to do businesses, because technology enables other sectors to work out. We want technology to move up the sector of agriculture,’’ she told CNBC, during international conference for agriculture in Africa.    

Unlike land farming service, there are other public platforms that contributed so much to the development of Rwanda such as E-soko, which helps farmers to be updated on fair price in a given harvesting season. Some Rwandan famers adapted to the use of drones while spraying crops.

Claire Akamanzi spoke at the conference on future of agribusiness of Africa.

 Claire added that technology helps in land farming and other related sectors to facilitate farmers, vendors and buyers to develop themselves and the country on the whole.  

‘’ We need solutions from technology, until farmers will be able to sell their harvest online,’’ she concluded, adding that business people are encouraged to invest in agriculture to exploit its virgin resources.

Technology is as well the best way of keeping distance among people, especially in this period of fighting the spread of COVID-19.   

Majority of farmers in Rwanda still depend on subsistence.  As of now, at least 60 percent live on land and animal farming. Rwanda’s budget of 2020 and 2021 shows that the country has already invested roughly Rwf123 billions to increase production of land and animal farming sector.  


Rutayisire Patience


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