
Pope says look to Jesus and not to horoscopes for guidance and that using God's name to justify violence is Blasphemy

Author: Inyarwanda
On:17/11/2015 13:34
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At his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis reflected on the readings for this penultimate Sunday of the Churchs liturgical year which speak in apocalyptic terms about the coming of Gods kingdom at the end times.

The final goal of our lives here on earth, the Pope said, is our encounter with the Risen Christ. “How many of you think about that?” he asked the crowds gathered in a sunny St Peter’s Square. The problem is not when these apocalyptic warning signs of the end of this world will occur, he said, but whether we will be ready for that encounter. Similarly, the problem is not how the end of the world will happen, but how we should behave in the meantime.”

“We are called to live in the present,” the Pope said, “building the future with serenity, trust and hope in God.” Hope, he said, is the hardest virtue to live out, but it is also the strongest as it reflects the face of the Risen Christ. Jesus is not only the final destination of our pilgrimage here on earth, Pope Francis said, but he is also present in our daily lives to accompany us and rescue us from false prophets and fatalistic ideas. Asking his audience how many of them read their horoscopes, the Pope said it is much better to look instead to Jesus, whose Word will guide us and who will always remain with us.

Pope Francis

Pope also talked about Paris terrorist attacks which claimed the lives of more than 100 lives. Pope said that, using God's name to justify violence is blasphemy.

Pope Francis said such barbarity leaves us stunned as we wonder how human hearts can think up and carry out such atrocities which “have shocked not only France but the whole world”. The Pope stressed again that “the way of violence and hatred does not resolve the problems of humanity”, adding that whoever uses God’s name to justify that path is guilty of blasphemy.

Source: Radio Vaticana




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