
Sophia in Transform Africa summit in Rwanda, she says she loves her outfit ''Umushanana'' locally made by Moshions

Author: Joselyne kabageni
On:15/05/2019 16:17
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Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong based company Hanson Robotics and was activated on February 14, 2016.She has been covered by media around the globe and has participated in many high-profile interviews, this time Sofia has attended Transform Africa Summit 2019 dressed in a Rwandese artier known as Umushanana by Moshions

Sofia has attended a technological based summit known as Transform Africa. She began by thanking Rwanda for the opportunity she had to attend this summit, Sofia was asked if she had an idea of where she is and replied that she is in a great city of Kigali, Rwanda which is in Aast Africa and when asked how she got in Rwanda she said that she flew all the way inside a suit case


Sophia flew all the way to Kigali inside a suit case

Sofia was complimented that her outfit was fantastic and replied by thanking and said that she loves the outfit too a Mushanana locally made by Moshions
